The Pendle Witch Company is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Wylde Spirit Autumn Equinox Festival at Stonehenge 2023!
Visiting Stonehenge has always been on my bucket list, but to enjoy being in the presence of this spectacular monument during an equinox is going to be even more special. I'm hoping to experience the magical power of Stonehenge.
These Neolithic megaliths are said to lie on leylines which are said to link ancient structures or religious sites and are renowned for attracting supernatural phenomena and activity. I wonder if the spirits of our ancestors still walk amongst the stones?
Stonehenge is rumoured to be a massive sundial, others believe it was built to honour the dead, whilst we will probably never know the true reason for building Stonehenge, it is clear that it was a place of worship and ritual and has religious significance. Built by our stone age ancestors who had basic tools and means - at the same the great pyramids were being built - is a triumph of engineering! I'm sure it will be a surreal and spiritual experience!
Visiting Stonehenge will only be part of our trip as we will be pitching up at the nearby campsite for the Wylde Spirit Camp. I think the last time I went camping was about 12 years ago!
It will hopefully recharge my batteries and allow me to connect with nature and enjoy the sense of community.
The Pendle Witch Company will be amongst other likeminded exhibitors; from musicians, woodworkers, shamens, crafters, druids, dancers, readers and many others from the spiritual community.

Performing at the spiritual campsite will be the wonderful Car Dia, a shamanic drummer and vocalist. Car Dia, with her band, sing original songs of the land, steeped in mythology, mystery and magick. I have seen Car Dia perform in the past, and found her music to be spiritual, moving and rhythmic. She makes you feel part of the band and join in the chants with catchy hooks.
I'm also looking forward to meeting new people, taking part in some of the workshops and learning new skills. If you'd like to join in the festival then check it out here for details and tickets.
To read more about the equinox, my favourite time of year, read my blog Mabon which explains what it is all about and how to celebrate!
Hope to see you there!
Love, Light & Blessings,
Emma, The Pendle Witch